Happy Birthday, Vaughn and Sokola!

Today, (March 1st) is the first day of pig week for Sabrina and I (because it’s totally still the first, right?). And,because I don’t know what else to do involving pigs, that means Vaughn and Sokola week on my blog. All week, I’ll write (or, at least try to write) a story involving Vaughn or Sokola. Mostly Vaughn, since he’e my character, but it’s bound to include one of Sabrina’s characters. Anyway, since Pig Day is also Vaughn and Sokola’s birthday, I decedied to start off the week with a cute story about them celebrating their birthday together. ^_^

“Vaughn! Vaughn! VAUGHN!”

Sokola pounded furiously on the door. It was her and Vaughn’s birthday, and by the Gods of their respective universes, she was going to see her daddy, whether he was ready for her or not. Unfortunately, his door was locked…for once.

                “VAUGHN!” the poofy-haired 12-year old called, “If you don’t come out now, I’m gonna go lookin’ for Charlemagne to be my daddy instead!”

                Suddenly, the door burst open. In the doorway stood a fully-clothed Aria, which actually surprised Sokola, given how early it was. “Do not say that, Sokola!” She exclaimed, eyes wide with fear.

                “Hi, Aria. Where’s Vaughn?” Sokola asked, trying to look around the woman into the room. “Were you two making babies? Did you have your face in his pants?”

                “Sokola…” Aria said, crouching down. “Vaughn’s not here right now.”

                “Why? Is he going potty?” Sokola asked, trying to push past her into the room. “You shoulda told him to pee on the floor, Aria, like he told you!”

                “You are not allowed in the room right now.” she said calmly, blocking the girl’s entry.

                “Why? Are you gonna get ready to make babies with Vaughn?” Sokola asked sadly. “You’re boring, Aria. You can make babies with Vaughn all the time. I’m not gonna let Vaughn sleep through our birthday, though!”

                “No, Sokola. I am preparing to celebrate your birthday.” Aria explained, giving her a small smile. “Vaughn is out buying you a present. If you would like, I can have Severna bring you down to look for him when she comes.”

                Sokola’s eyes grew wide. “Why is Severna coming?” she asked.

                “She gave me a hand with finding Vaughn’s birthday present. She is coming to give me the present, and maybe talk a bit. Why?”

                “I wanna see Severna!” Sokola said, smiling widely. Severna was one of the few people Vaughn and Aria were okay with her talking to that would actually explain the things her adoptive parents would not. Plus, she was fun to be around, even though she was sometimes a little weird.

                Aria chuckled. “Okay. Come with me, then. I am going to meet with her soon.”

                “Okay!” Sokola exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Aria’s neck.  As Aria began to stand, Sokola just hugged her tighter, forcing the older girl to pick her up.

                “You are a bit big to be carried.” Aria chuckled, though she still carried the girl, thought she didn’t really care. She adored having the little girl around…even if she did tend to visit at very inopportune times fairly often.

                “I’m sorry.” Sokola replied, resting her head against her shoulder. “I love you, Aria.”

                “I love you, too, Sokola.” Aria said sweetly, rubbing her cheek against Sokola’s.

                “Am I gonna have a sleepover tonight?”

                “Of course! Vaughn and I promised you we would.”

                “So you’re not gonna forget and make babies?”

“No, of course not.” Aria said, surprised.

“And Vaughn’s not gonna try to touch your boobies?

“No he, won’t.” Aria continued, her face growing red.

“Or between your legs?”

“No, Sokola! He won’t.” she insisted, her entire face red.

Sokola paused for a moment. “I’m sorry Aria. I like that you and Vaughn love each other.” She told her, hugging her mommy close. In truth, Aria was only a few years older than her, but since Vaughn was her new daddy, and he loved Aria, Aria was her new mommy. She would never let Aria replace her real mommy, but she still loved her, because Vaughn loved her. And because she was funny when she turned red.

“It is alright.” Aria told her as they exited to the ledge. As they walked to the edge to wait for their friend, they saw a woman with big, black wings and very little clothing flying towards them.

“Hey, I didn’t know Sokola was gonna be here!” Severna said, smiling her usual half-smile as she watched Aria put the girl down. As soon as her boots hit the ground, Sokola ran over to Severna and turned around, her own brown wings relaxing. As if on command, Severna placed the boxes she was holding on the ground and began to give her a backrub.

“Thank you, Severna!” Sokola said, smiling and spreading her wings as the woman rubbed.

“Anything for my little goddess.” Severna replied, chuckling and winking.

Aria scurried over and picked up the boxes. “Is one of these Vaughn’s gift?” she asked, looking at the boxes.

“Yup! And then a little present for you, too.” Severna explained, then winked. “Although, I’m sure it’ll be a gift for him, too.”

“Oh…” Aria said, peering into the box in a way that prevented Sokola from seeing. Again, her face flushed. “Oh! U-um…thank you, Miss Severna.” Aria said, eye wide and blinking as her face continued to turn deeper shades of scarlet.

“What is it, Aria?” Sokola asked.

“It is nothing, Sokola.”  Aria said, hiding both boxes behind her back.

Sokola pouted, then turned to Severna. “What is it?”

“I’ll explain later.” Severna said with a smile.

Sokola pouted again, and watched as the two women discussed boring grow-up things. Then, Aria left with the packages, leaving Sokola with the demon woman.

“Come on, now! We’ve gotta find Vaughn before it’s time for your little celebration, right?” Severna said, standing at the edge of the cliff and holding out an arm.

Sokola nodded furiousy. “Uh-huh!”

“Then come on! I think I know exactly where he is.”

The two jumped off the ledge, wings spreading behind them and catching the currents, flying towards the civilian village below.

“So what did you give Aria?” Sokola asked again.

“Oh, just something special for her to wear while her and Vaughn are having sex.”

Sokola stared at Severna for a moment. “Severna. Aria doesn’t wear anything when they’re making babies.”

Severna chuckled. “I know. But, it’s just something special for before, to get Vaughn in the mood.”

“Vaughn loves Aria. He always wants to make babies with her. He can make babies with her all day, and never get bored, even though I want to talk to him.”

Severna chuckled again. “Nevermind, Sokola. You’ll understand when you get older.” She told the little girl.

“But what’d you give her?”

“Sexy underwear.” Severna said immediately. “What did you think it was?”

“I don’t know.” Sokola replied. “I’m only eleven. I don’t know everything.”

“Twelve now.”

Sokola thought for a second, then smiled. It was her birthday! And she couldn’t wait to celebrate it.

Severna  led Sokola to the edge of the village, and then though the busy market area of Hael. “Here we are!” she finally announced, standing outside a shop and motioning to the entrance. Sokola looked inside, and smiled as she recognized a familiar shirtless torso paying for something.

“Vaughn!” Sokola exclaimed as she ran into the shop, throwing her arms around her daddy.

“Oh! Hello, Sokola.” Vaughn replied, smiling and patting the girl on her head.

“I went to visit you and Aria, but you weren’t there. So, Severna brought me to you!” Sokola explained without letting go.

“Oh, well thank you, Severna.” Vaughn said to the woman who was working her way around other people to their sides. Although he loved seeing Sokola, he wished Severna could have at least waited until after he had finished buying her birthday present to lead her to him.

“Is that everything?” the shopkeeper asked.

“Yeah.” Vaughn replied, paying for his purchase and shoving a box under his arm quickly. “Now, let’s go do something else.  What do you want to see, Sokola?” He hurried Sokola out of the shop as quickly as possible, hoping she would not be able to get any idea about what her gift was. They said their good-byes to Severna, and began to walk around, Vaughn keeping a careful eye on the girl.

Sokola thought for a moment. “Do you got any ham down here?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Vaughn replied, chuckling. “At least, I don’t know where to find it. Anything else?”

“Candy!” Sokola exclaimed, pulling Vaughn towards a little stall with little colored shapes and creatures. Scattered about.

“Surface sweets!” the merchant called. “Beautiful animals only found in the land of the humans.”

“Look, Vaughn! A piggy!” Sokola exclaimed, holding it in his face.

“Is that what you want, Sokola?” he asked, already reaching into his pocket to pay for it.

“Uh-huh!” she said, her eyes scanning the sand again. “Look! Another one!”

“I’ll take the two of them, I guess.” he said, as they discussed prices, and he paid for the candies.

As soon as they stepped away from the stand, Sokola shoved the head of one of the candy pigs in her mouth, and handed the other one to Vaughn. “Eat it!” she demanded.

“Okay! I will.” Vaughn chuckled, eating his own sweetened swine.

“So, did you and Aria make babies last night?” Sokola asked, her mouth clamped around her candy.

“Yes.” Vaughn replied, determined to tell the truth, but not give away more than he had to.

“Was it fun?”

“Of course!”

“And you didn’t get bored?”

“No, we didn’t.”

“Did you make Aria say ‘Oh, oh, oh!’ and say your name?” she asked, her eyes huge.

Vaughn blinked at his daughter. “How do you know about that?”

“I have to watch Raizha make babies with the king. I know how sex works.” Sokola said, as if it should have been obvious. “Also, I sometimes stand outside your door when you make babies.”

Vaughn shook his head. “Sokola, what have I told you about minding your own business?”

“Did you or not?”

Vaughn smiled and patted Sokola on the head. “Yes, Sokola. I did.”

Sokola smiled. “That’s good.”

The two spent a little over an hour walking among the shops and small temporary displays in the market. At one in particular, Vaughn bought her a little cloth doll with wings, since he doubted that many dolls in Sokola’s world had wings, like she did.

“I love you, Daddy!” Sokola exclaimed, hugging the doll.

“I love you, too, Sokola.” Vaughn replied, smiling at her as they continued on their way.

Finally, it was time to return to Vaughn’s room to celebrate. Together, the two of them flew back up to the barracks, and hurried to the room. Although Vaughn had to remind Sokola multiple times to slow down and not get too far ahead of him, he found himself hurrying just a bit as well. They found his door, and flung it open, Aria falling into Vaughn’s arms almost as soon as they entered.

“Welcome home, Vaughn.” Aria sighed, kissing Vaughn as she leg him to the bed, on which were two boxes and a few plates of food, two plates of raw-looking meat and a bowl of the vegetable mush Aria usually ate. “And hello to you, too, Sokola!”

“Can we eat now?” Sokola asked, jumping on the bed and attacking on of the plates of meat before anyone could answer.

“Well, I guess it’s time to eat!” Aria chuckled, sitting down on the bed and beginning to eat her mush, and Vaughn his meat. She looked hungrily at it, knowing she could not eat it. She didn’t think Sokola should be eating the raw meat, either, but she seemed to enjoy it andit did not seem to make her sick, so she stopped questioning it.

“Is there cake?” Sokola asked through a mouthful.

“Sorry, but I did not have a way to get a hold of cake.” Aria said, stirring her mush.

“That’s okay, Aria! We can just make some tomorrow!” Sokola said, smiling. “I’m sure Ariya can help!”

“Perhaps.” Aria agreed, smiling.

After eating, they exchanged gifts. Aria had made a box full of scarves for Sokola, since she knew Sokola likes scarves, and a dagger with a carved hilt for Vaughn.

“Aria has another gift for you, too!” Sokola exclaimed. “Severna have her some sexy underwear! But, you can’t make babies while I’m here! You have to wait until I leave.”

“Of course, Sokola.” Vaughn laughed, while Aria laughed, face reddening.

Next, Sokola gave Vaughn a poem he wrote, which made Vaughn smile.

“Thank you.” Vaughn told her, giving her a wide smile.

“I have another present for you, too, but I couldn’t bring it.” Sokola explained, “I’ll give it to you tomorrow, while we’re making cake! Okay?”

“Okay.” Vaughn agreed, while handing her the box he had been carrying earlier. “And here’s my gift for you.”

Sokola ripped the covering off the package, to reveal a wooden box. Slowly, she opened it, curious of what was inside. “Knives!” she exclaimed, displaying on of them proudly. She couldn’t wait to use them. She put it away, and then dove into her parents’ laps. They may not have been related by blood, but they were still a great mommy and daddy, and she loved them.

“Thank you, Vaughn! Thank you Aria!” she said, hugging them. “I love you!”’

“And we love you.” Vaughn replied, as he and Aria hugged her back. “Happy birthday, Sokola.”

“And happy birthday to you, Vaughn.” she replied. “This is the best birthday ever.”

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Vaughn and Sokola!

  1. ozziedoggirl says:

    I lovvvvvvvve them!!!

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